Spring Security LTPA2 Example Usage

This short example shows how to use the LTPA2 Security Module. This example uses Spring Boot.


  • Spring Security 5.1+

  • Spring Boot 2.1+



Add it as an dependency together with you Spring Security dependencies.



Security Configuration for Web Servlet

Add the Ltpa2Filter using Ltpa2Configurer. It needs a SecretKey instance of the shared key that is used for the symmetric encryption and decryption of the LTPA2 token. In order to verify the provided token, it also needs the PublicKey from the identity provider (for example IBM Secure Gateway / DataPower) that sends the LTPA2 token.

As the user is pre-authenticated, an instance of UserDetailsService is required to setup the security context and populate it with the granted roles for the authenticated user. In this example we will simply use InMemoryAuthentication with a hard-coded list of users and their roles.

public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter

	protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception
				.antMatchers("/", "/home").permitAll()
			// configure LTPA2 Support
			.apply(new Ltpa2Configurer())

	public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception
It might be necessary to explicitly create a UserDetailsService and set it the with AuthenticationManagerBuilder#userDetailsService(UserDetailsService)! It is not needed in the example above because this configuration will automatically expose a UserDetailsService but if you try to use LDAP with auth.ldapAuthentication() then no UserDetailsService will be exposed.
Example with LDAP
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter

	protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception
				.antMatchers("/", "/home").permitAll()
			// configure LTPA2 Support
			.apply(new Ltpa2Configurer())

	public UserDetailsService userDetailsService()
		DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource contextSource = new DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource("ldap://,dc=bar");

		LdapUserDetailsManager manager = new LdapUserDetailsManager(contextSource);
		manager.setUsernameMapper(new DefaultLdapUsernameToDnMapper("ou=user", "cn"));
		return manager;

Security Configuration for Web Reactive

Add an AuthenticationWebFilter using Ltpa2AuthManager and the Ltpa2AuthConverter. The Ltpa2AuthConverter needs a SecretKey instance of the shared key that is used for the symmetric encryption of the LTPA2 token. In order to verify the provided token, it also needs the PublicKey from the identity provider (for example IBM Secure Gateway / DataPower) that sends the LTPA2 token.

As the user is pre-authenticated, an instance of ReactiveUserDetailsService is required to setup the security context and populate it with the granted roles for the authenticated user. In this example we will simply use MapReactiveUserDetailsService with a hard-coded list of users and their roles.

public class WebSecurityConfig

	public SecurityWebFilterChain springSecurityFilterChain(final ServerHttpSecurity http, final ReactiveUserDetailsService userDetailsService, AuthenticationWebFilter ltpa2AuthenticationWebFilter)
			// all other require any authentication
			// apply ltpa2 authentication filter
			.addFilterAt(ltpa2AuthenticationWebFilter, SecurityWebFiltersOrder.AUTHENTICATION);
		return http.build();

	AuthenticationWebFilter ltpa2AuthenticationWebFilter(ReactiveUserDetailsService userDetailsService) throws GeneralSecurityException
		final Ltpa2AuthConverter converter = new Ltpa2AuthConverter();

		final AuthenticationWebFilter webfilter = new AuthenticationWebFilter(new Ltpa2AuthManager(userDetailsService));
		return webfilter;

	public ReactiveUserDetailsService userDetailsService()
		return new MapReactiveUserDetailsService(User.withUsername("user").password("password").roles("USER").build());

Where to put the token in a HTTP-Request

Tokens are either taken from an HTTP header (default Authorization with prefix LtpaToken2) or a cookie (default LtpaToken2). Both names can be configured as needed, as well as the value prefix.


# default header and value prefix
curl -i -H "Authorization: LtpaToken2 <token-value>" http://localhost:8080/hello
# custom header name without value prefix
curl -i -H "My-Auth-Header: <token-value>" http://localhost:8080/hello
# default cookie
curl -i -b "LtpaToken2=<token-value>" http://localhost:8080/hello
# custom cookie name
curl -i -b "My-Auth-Cookie=<token-value>" http://localhost:8080/hello